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Are you ready to live the life of your dreams?

Girls with Hats

If, so then you are in the right place

My Life of Dreams course is designed to do just that!


I will walk you through  you how to stay happy all the time! There are different modules teaching you ways  to cope with and control grief, look at the positives in everything and build self confidence.  At the end of the course you will be able to hit any hurdle and be able to control each of your emotions in a fulfilling way. 

What's Included

Magnify Your Mindset

In this module we start at the beginning with where you are currently and what limiting thoughts and beliefs might be holding you back. Moving through too how to change how you view yourself and start dreaming again!



Planning Actions

Here is where we explore the importance of planning and how to manage your time and actions. Including making sure that we remember to congratulate ourselves, finding that "me time" and learning from others around us.

Goals - What do you want?

This might seem a little intimidating as so many of us don't know what we really want or are too scared to really say it out loud in case we end up disappointed. In this module we will ease you in gently by looking at motivation, the importance of goals and how to prioritise. Then we will move in to how we actually move towards those goals.



Morning Habits Creating a Routine

In this module unsurprisingly we are looking at how you spend those first few minutes and hours of your morning. Looking at the most beneficial ways you can start your day that will lead you into the rest of the day with a smile on your face!


Meditation is one of the key practices that will help you to live the life of your dreams and to master your mindset! In this module we will do a deep dive into the practice of meditation and we have some different meditations for you to try.



Finally - The future

To finish off we look at how we take the lessons we've learned in the previous 5 modules into the rest of our lives. How do we continue this journey and what do we need to remember are all covered.

Investment - £500

Are you ready to say yes?

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